Tukituki Estuary
The Tukituki Estuary is where the Tukituki River meets the sea between East Clive and Haumoana.
Over 60 hectares it includes Grange Creek and all the wetlands and associated riparian margins between the lower Tukituki stopbanks for a distance of 800m upstream from the mouth. The estuary is recognised as a significant area within the Hawke’s Bay Regional Coastal Plan and is a Recommended Area for Protection under the Department of Conservation's Protected Natural Areas Programme.
A range of bird species can be found here including oyster catchers, banded dotterels, white heron, royal spoonbill, black fronted dotterel and godwits, the black fronted, white fronted and Caspian terns, shags and ducks. Other migrants and occasional visitors also turn up from time to time. A restoration project by Hawke’s Bay Regional Council aimed to improved nesting areas.
Access: from Haumoana by foot or cycle on the Hawke's Bay Trails.
Visiotrs are asked to keep to marked tracks within the estuary and when off the tracks take care where walking because of nesting birds.
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