Puketapu Park
56 Dartmoor Rd, Puketapu
With a distinctly rural feel, Puketapu Park might be a bit off the track but it is worth the trip!
Link up with some of the District’s i-Way tracks and cycle to the park if you please, or take the car and drive by the Puketapu store on the way. It's just an 18 minute drive from Napier.
With a modern children’s playground, Puketapu Park has a range of play equipment including a large tandem flying fox, a four person see-saw and a spinning Roktopus tyre swing. The park has a free-to-use BBQ, picnic tables and toilet facilities as well as a large open grassed area and cricket pitch.
The reserve is located along the Tutaekuri River and is a permitted overnight parking site for verified self-contained vehicles.
After a refreshing day in the great outdoors you might enjoy a bit of R&R ...